Feeding deer at our neighborhood park in the 90’s.

Wise owl taking a nap outside our kitchen window.
The Human Hangover® is what I found helpful through my own inner work, and my way of sharing that experience with you. I was six years old when I first started using the Human Hangover® map. Navigating childhood trauma and stress was overwhelming, but my neurodivergent mind wouldn’t stop looking for solutions to my discomfort. As trauma compounded over the years, I ran to the woods and water for escape. Not feeling safe to speak to anyone, I called out to mother nature.
When nature started talking back to me, I thought I was crazy. A root would trip me on a walk and suddenly remind me of a rooted belief interfering in my life. An eagle would swoop over me, and help me see the higher perspective of a situation I previously couldn’t find. The wisdom in the world around me started communicating back, and it was actually helping!
After my teenage years I shutdown. I let old and new traumatic experiences build up in my body, and unhealthy beliefs tangle my mind. I was the heaviest I ever weighed, the sickest I ever felt, and my mental health was taking a dive. Then 2020 turned the world inside out… including mine. With past and present traumas surfacing, and my autistic mask failing, I needed help. Trying to find a talk therapist ended in a traumatic experience with the medical field that left me terrified to reach for help again, so I went inward by going out into nature once more.
I went back to the map that helped me through heavy emotions as a child; except this time something was different. As I grew older, the meanings behind the map had also grown. Tuning into the natural world around me, I was able to see how it was reflecting messages back to me. With my new knowledge and understanding, I was seeing the map with totally new eyes. I spent the next three years implementing my old healing techniques in a completely new way with nature, and again the natural world answered back.
OWL – Observe With Love

Feeding deer at our neighborhood park in the 90’s.
The birds came in flocks, and the Owls taught me to Observe my feelings With Love. They would sit with me for hours explaining the why’s behind the Human Hangover® map, and how to use it in new ways. After losing 80lbs and watching my physical and mental health turnaround, I realized this wisdom shared with me over the years might be helpful to others.
I’m not an expert, nor a doctor or healthcare specialist, and hold no degrees or certifications in this field of work. I don’t know very much about the world, grew up in a pretty sheltered home, dissociated my way through school, and dropped out of college as soon as I could. I’m just a human with an experience to share. I hope you have fun on the adventure of finding you and rewriting your story.
Thanks for being here.
– AmBear
(Amber Johnston – That Girl Amber)

Spending time with our backyard owls.
Growing up in Northern Michigan meant making friends with nature in a place where connecting with wildlife felt safe and normal. This deep connection to animals, and pulling from their symbolic wisdom, has been priceless in navigating life and finding my true spirit.

Lunch with our feathered neighbors.
Be the first to know when our guides are released! Thanks for your patience and support. -AmBear